Tuesday 28 October 2014

Session 2 and 3

On the second day of our course (the 27th) we spent the day being taught about differing areas of film. it started with our group being told about directing and a directors role in a production. after that we learnt about production design and how to set up a scene and how the visuals effect the story telling and setting. we then moved on to sound and were taught  about basic recording equipment and how it was used. Finally, we were taught about camera work and shots. There was also a guest speaker who talked the group through the ins and outs of costume design.
On the 28th, we were talked to by a director, who told us about such things as the difference between plot and story and the importance of structure. in that session we also watched "He loves me, He loves me not", a very interesting French film which showed us all how a feeling can be created towards certain characters by playing on structures we already recognise, then how easily they can be flipped and used to shock.

Sunday 26 October 2014

Session 1: Introduction and Samantha Harrie

In our First session we were introduced to the basics of film. We were taught about basic types of camera angles and shots. These included: Over the shoulder, close up, medium shot and long shot. After this, we were split into groups and tasked with creating a short piece comprised of six separate shots. Our group was stationed in the attic and we all took turns in shooting a scene each. I also played a part in our film. When we had finished, we returned to the group and watched each others films. We discussed the pros and cons of each film, keeping in mind that these were our first attempt and were also unedited.
We also had an acting master class where we were given a scene from a film and were asked to read over it, decide what camera angles would be used at what stages in the scene, where the actors would be and the try and recreate the scene with those ideas in mind. afterwards we were shown the real thing. It seemed like we all had similar ideas as to how the scene was staged and shot and those ideas also matched the film.