Wednesday 11 March 2015


Copyright effects all types of media including film. There are a list of areas that should be taken into account when making a film, in order to avoid copyright infringement:

The writing has to be an original concept. Dialogue can't be taken from other pieces and claimed to be the creation of the writer

compositions should be in the public domain or independently created 
Photos or brands (logos) require permission if you wish to use them
Sound recording
Sound effects should be in the pubic domain or independently created
video footage cannot be taken from another film without permission to use by the original creator

During the production of our film we managed to avoid most problems that may have occurred. Music was composed especially. Sounds where either recorded during the shoot or within the public domain. All film and writing was original. The only real problem we faced was the branding on a prop (a bottle of whiskey). However, the problems were avoided as the scenes were only short, most had the logo obscured and those that didn't were left out.

Further copyright information:

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