Wednesday 11 March 2015

My script idea

The following is a script I wrote for the film course. The script is about Chris, a man working from home, who's computer breaks just before he can send off an important email. Whilst panicking, there is a knock at the door. When he goes to answer it he finds Jeremy and Martha, sales representatives of unknown origin. They con Chris into signing a huge contract by telling him they have a new laptop for him and proceed to take what they're owed immediately. When Chris next wakes, he finds himself buried up to his neck on a beach, being taunted by Jeremy and Martha, who explain that they have a debt to pay off and he has signed his life away within their contract. The script has two scenes with the two locations: Chis' house and the beach.






The Contract

Written by

James Alexander





















(Sound of typing. Black screen. Text appears parallel to sound)

The Contract



CUT FROM TITLE. Chris Francis is sat at his desk, typing on his computer rapidly. He is then interrupted by his phone ringing. Continuing to work with one hand, he PICKS UP the PHONE with his other.



Hello? Ah sir yes… yes I’m just finishing up now. It’ll take two seconds and I’ll email it over straight away. Yes, sir I understand…yes.


As Chris continues to speak to his boss, we see the COMPUTER SCREEN showing his work. Suddenly the screen switches off. Chris presses buttons frantically but the computer is dead.



(Makes a noise of panic then composes himself) No sir nothing’s wrong… yes everything should be on its way. Could I talk to you later sir? I just need to check some things…yes sir ok thank you.


Chris PUTS DOWN the phone and begins hitting the computer and the desk repeating the words “come on”, getting more and more frantic. He finally collapses with his head in his hands and moans with frustration. He takes a deep breath and sits up. He begins to talk to himself.



Ok. I can save this. The computer’s dead but there’s got to be a way I can still send this stuff. There are computers in the library… but it’s closed on a Sunday. I could buy a new one… but I don’t have the money for a replacement. Come on think. There’s got to be something, anything!

There is a sudden loud knocking on the door. Flustered and confused, Chris moves to the door and opens it cautiously. Standing outside are two figures; a man and woman. Both are dressed formally and quite pale in complexion. The man is smirking while the woman stares expressionless at Chris.



Good morning sir. How are you today? My name is Jeremy Cranston and this is my sister Martha. Say hello Martha.


Jeremy and Chris look at Martha. She stays silent and still. Jeremy begins to giggle.






I’m playing with you sir. She won’t respond, she’s mute.



Oh I’m sorry



Don’t be sir. She deserved it. Now! We’ve been told, by our employer, that you are currently in a spot of bother. Some sort of computer issue? Can we come in?



Wait. Hold on. I’m not just letting you in my house. How do you know about the computer?



We know a lot of things sir, and I can assure you we are only here to help. We’ve brought exactly what you need.



Unless you’ve got a new computer behind your back, you’ve got nothing I need. Good bye.


As Chris CLOSES THE DOOR, Jeremy stops the door with his foot.



Sir, please. I don’t think you have many options at the moment do you? We’ve got what you need.


Jeremy grins and Chris opens the door again.



Go on then. What are you selling?



We’re selling absolutely nothing sir. Our employer has no need for money. No, we have nothing for you to buy BUT we do have a present for you. Martha, the gift.


Jeremy turns to his sister as she reveals a laptop from behind her back. The laptop has a piece of tape across the top, on which is written “CRANSTON 666”



This is the Cranston triple six. Designed by Martha and marketed by myself, the triple six is a devilishly fast and reliable machine. And we’ll give it to you for free. Here you go. Take it.



I don’t understand. You just go around giving people free computers? You get paid for this?




We don’t get paid sir. We’ve a debt to pay off. And we don’t give computers to everyone. We provide those in need with what they need when they really need it.


Martha passes the laptop to Chris, who examines it cautiously.



Well…thank you. Much appreciated. Bye then.



I’m afraid that there is something sir. Martha! The contract please.


Martha pulls from behind her back a large amount of paper. On the cover is the word contract in large fancy font. All other words are incredibly small.



Now it’s very long and very boring and we really don’t want to waste your time talking you through every single page, line and word.


Jeremy pulls a fountain pen from his jacket as Martha presents the final page of the contract to Chris.



But I feel like you’re a very busy man who needs to be doing busy man things so if you just sign here we can all be on our way.


Chris takes the pen and looks quite worried.





I think I should probably read over the thing. Just in case.



Sir. Please trust me. All it contains is an agreement to provide feedback if we ask you about how the product has functioned for you, and a waver stating that the product was free and you can’t try and scam us for money.


Chris thinks for a moment and says “ok” before signing the contract. The moment he finishes, the contract is pulled away, and the pen snatched from his hand. Jeremy returns the pen to his pocket and grins once more.



Excellent. Thank you so very much sir for all you’ve sacrificed for us. Martha. Please show Mr Francis page two five one of the contract.


Chris looks confused as Martha pushes the contract page under his nose.



Line three, paragraph two. “I hereby trade over my life and soul to the siblings Cranston, as payment for their provision of one desire of desperation.” Legally binding and signed by yourself. Effective immediately.



What do you mean? You said it was free?


Jeremy takes the contract from Martha. She then pulls out a hammer and the Cranston’s enter the house.



Words are smoke sir. Contracts are fire.

Martha enters the house and Jeremy closes the door behind them.



And we burn.


Scene ends with the door closing




CLOSE UP OF CHRIS’ FACE. He is unconscious, with some blood running from his head. As he wakes up, it is revealed that Chris is buried up to his neck in sand. Jeremy is sat to his right and Martha to his left (as they were arranged on the doorstep). The two are now wearing sunglasses.



Hello? What happened? Where am I? W-why am I buried on a beach? What did you do?



You’ve a lot of questions haven’t you? Shame we aren’t to answer any.



Don’t tease the man Martha


Chris remains puzzled and begins to struggle and panic.



I thought she was mute?





And I thought you would have learnt that I’m a liar. Now please. We do wish to enjoy watching the tide as it creeps in.


Chris looks forward and realises what’s going to happen.



You… you can’t be serious? This is murder! You need to get me out now. I don’t deserve this.


Jeremy and Martha both scoff.



It doesn’t matter who deserves it. We’ve got to pay our debt. We try and pick the bad ones but sometimes it’s easier to trick the dumb ones.



What did I say about teasing the poor man sister? Let the dying man have some peace.



Please. There’s got to be something I can do for you. Anything. I’ll do anything you want just please don’t kill me…please.


Both Cranston’s lean in to listen.



Go on



We’re listening



Well. I’ve got money. I’ll give you everything I have.



We’ve no need for the material or monetary thank you.



Besides, you already signed that over. Page eighty six line…



Ok! Fine. Well I could kill people for you. Do what you do. Work for your boss and trick people into death. I can do all that stuff.



That just makes you sound like a psychopath sir.



Can’t let murderers go.



Oh come on! What if…I took your debt?






I take on what you owe and pay off your debt. You two get to live without that burden and I… get to live.



We could be free?





The brother and sister both look at each other and gesture towards Chris with there eyes.



We’ve decided to dig you up


They begin digging, but as they do, the music of an ice cream van plays. Martha stops digging and looks away.



Brother. Ice cream.


Jeremy stops digging too.



Good idea Martha. We’ll have some ice cream then dig Mr Francis up.


They both stand and walk off. Chris panics and shouts at them but all he gets in response is a cry from Jeremy.



No! Wait please! Where are you going? Don’t leave me! Help me!



Don t worry. We’ll get you one too.


There is a cut to a shot of the two walking back with their ice-creams. Jeremy has an extra for Chris. They are shocked when they see that the tide has risen.



Oh…forgot about the tide. Poor Mr Francis. Oh well, you get another ice cream sister.


They walk off shot and the scene ends.

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