Friday 30 January 2015

Session 9: Rushes

In this session, after a long break, we finally got to see the footage we'd come out with after shooting. Of course, these are just rough rushes and the sound hasn't been fully worked on yet so all we had was the audio from the cameras and mics to play with, but It was interesting to see the sheer quantity we had produced. The audio was synced to the video so we were tasked with trying to cut it down and try and decide the order of shots. We did find some hurdles. We had a lot of shots but sometimes we couldn't find a way to switch between them cleanly. We also struggled with switching between different audio and syncing it up with the actors. However, This may be combated in the next session. All in all though, when we cut down all the footage, we had a nice short run time that seemed to get our story across.

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