Monday 13 April 2015

Behaviour and working practices in the film industry

Behaviour in the film industry is similar to behaviour in most places of work. Its important to keep a positive and healthy working relationship with your co workers. This means being polite to one another and treating everyone as equals and with respect. It is also important to act professionally. In a career that is focused on recording over a progressive long period of time, its important to know what your job is and to not do anything to jeopardise a shoot (e.g. talking when you shouldn't be).

This link shows further detail about working relationships:

Health and safety is also a factor, as it is in many other professions. it is the job of the producer to make sure basic health and safety checks are done for every area of the production and that appropriate risk assessments are carried out.

Further information:

Finally, the film industry works to a very tight schedule and contains a lot of deadlines that need to be met. This makes time keeping extremely important in this career, arguably more than many others as one job being slow can effect every other afterwards. Its also important to expect to be working late and for large periods. Breaks should be provided and planned however.

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