Monday 13 April 2015

Technical skills

There is a lot of equipment and roles that are required to make a film and there is a level of competence and skill that is needed to carry out the jobs. Scripts need to be written and re-written until they are deemed ready, then actors need to be cast for roles, locations need to be found, equipment needs to be sourced including lighting, sound and cameras. Then it all has to be moved to where the shoot is and set up correctly, with a crew behind the scenes who all know what their job is and where they should be. My roles included production, set design and also a part in writing. In the production role, it was my job to ready the camera and sound for a shot and keep track of the continuity. In my role in set design it was my job to move everything out of the shot that was out of place as well as rearrange furniture to make room for equipment and add/position props (e.g. beer cans) Also in the time when the script was being written and re-written, I wrote a script as a general idea and looked at the final script that Matt wrote and made some suggestions. Whilst in my role in set design, I found a small bird ornament which whistled every so often. I made sure to inform others as I felt the noise might affect the filming. Also I was told that my idea, though not pursued in the end, was good, and the suggestions I put forth where taken into account when finalising a script.

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